On 05/10/2017 05:50 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Tue, May 09, 2017 at 10:05:43AM -0700, Ethan Furman wrote:

A comment on a recent SO answer [1] wondered why my aenum library wasn't
mentioned in the docs to help guide people that needed/wanted more advanced
Enum options to it.

I know that the std lib is where good modules go to die :-)

Is the aenum module feature complete? Is it ready to ~~die~~ move to the
std lib?

No, it is still under active development.

- drop-in replacement for the stdlib Enum
- has many advanced features such as
   - auto __init__ building
   - multi-value members
   - duplicate value but non-aliasing members
   - etc.

Those three advanced features sound useful. Is there a reason enum
doesn't support them?

New features go to aenum first for experimentation and bug squashing. After I'm happy with them, thay /may/ go to the standard library.

Even if all the features end up in the stdlib (unlikely), it would still be a useful recommendation as aenum works as far back as 2.7, possibly further).

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