On Sat, 24 Jun 2017 08:57:24 -0700
Larry Hastings <la...@hastings.org> wrote:
> On 06/24/2017 01:53 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> > Would you like to make it 3.5-compatible?  3.6 is quite young and not
> > all systems have it (e.g. Ubuntu 16.04, which many people use, has 3.5).  
> Well, tbh I think that's a bit silly.  First of all, it shouldn't be 
> installed in your system-wide python3 interpreter.

Well, you can always create a venv using the system python3.

Nowadays, to be honest, I use conda and Anaconda a lot, so I can
very quickly create a local Python 3.6 environment on my work machine,
even if my OS doesn't provide a Python 3.6.  I'm just not sure everyone
has the same habits as me, though I'm all for more core developers
adopting conda :-)

> Second, I assumed 
> core devs were compiling their own Python interpreters locally in their 
> account--in no small part so they can install any packages they want.  

I used to do that, but in the end it feels too confusing and
cumbersome.  So I don't install self-compiled Pythons anymore.

Of course, since you are doing the work, it's ok for me if you don't
want to make blurb Python 3.5-compatible.  I'm just pointing out that
it would ideally be better if it were :-)



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