Hi all

As part of a deal with Zach Ware at PyCon, I agreed that if he removed the Subversion dependency from our builds, I would set up daily Windows builds of Python. Zach did an excellent job, and so I am now following through on my half of the deal :)

For a while I've been uploading the official releases to nuget.org. These packages can be installed with nuget.exe (latest version always available at https://aka.ms/nugetclidl), which is quickly becoming a standard tool in Microsoft's build toolsets. It's very much a CI-focused package manager, rather than a user-focused one, and CI on Windows was previously an area where it was difficult to use Python.

See the official feed at https://www.nuget.org/packages/python, and related packages pythonx86, python2 and python2x86.

For people looking for an official "no installer" version of Python for Windows, this is it.

And since all the infrastructure was there already, I decided to publish daily builds in a similar way to myget.org:


To install the latest daily build, run nuget.exe with this command:

nuget.exe pythondaily -Source https://www.myget.org/F/python/api/v3/index.json

(Note that if you already have a "pythondaily" package in that directory, nuget will consider the requirement satisfied. As I said, it's meant for reproducible CI builds rather than users who want to update things in the least amount of keystrokes :) )

The sys.version string contains the short commit hash. Please include this string when reporting bugs in these builds. Also, only the amd64 Release build is available pre-built.

    >>> sys.version
'3.7.0a0 (remotes/origin/master:733d0f63c, Aug 8 2017, 15:56:14) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)]'

Hopefully this is valuable for people who want to include daily builds in their own test runs or validate recent bug fixes.

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