On 26.08.2017 04:19, Ethan Furman wrote:
On 08/25/2017 03:32 PM, Yury Selivanov wrote:

A *context variable* is an object representing a value in the
execution context.  A new context variable is created by calling
the ``new_context_var()`` function.  A context variable object has
two methods:

* ``lookup()``: returns the value of the variable in the current
   execution context;

* ``set()``: sets the value of the variable in the current
   execution context.

Why "lookup" and not "get" ? Many APIs use "get" and it's functionality is well understood.

Why not the same interface as thread-local storage? This has been the question which bothered me from the beginning of PEP550. I don't understand what inventing a new way of access buys us here.

Python features regular attribute access for years. It's even simpler than method-based access.

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