Another comment from bystander point of view: it looks like the discussions
of API design and implementation are a bit entangled here.
This is much better in the current version of the PEP, but still there is a
_feelling_ that some design decisions are influenced by the implementation

As I currently see the "philosophy" at large is like this:
there are different level of coupling between concurrently executing code:
* processes: practically not coupled, designed to be long running
* threads: more tightly coupled, designed to be less long-lived, context is
managed by threading.local, which is not inherited on "forking"
* tasks: tightly coupled, designed to be short-lived, context will be
managed by PEP 550, context is inherited on "forking"

This seems right to me.

Normal generators fall out from this "scheme", and it looks like their
behavior is determined by the fact that coroutines are implemented as
generators. What I think miht help is to add few more motivational examples
to the design section of the PEP.

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