On 9/6/2017 6:45 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
On Sep 6, 2017, at 14:59, Terry Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> wrote:

Currently, the debugger is started in response to a menu seletion in the IDLE 
process while the python process is idle.  One reason for the 'idle' 
requirement' is because when code is exec-uting, the loop that reads commands, 
executes them, and sends responses is blocked on the exec call. The IDLE 
process sets up its debugger window, its ends of the rpc channels, and commands 
to python process to set up Idb and the other ends of the channels.  The 
challenge would be to initiate setup from the server process and deal with the 
blocked loop.

Would the environment variable idea in the latest version of the PEP help you 

That seems to be a mechanism for users to convey which function to call. It does not simplify the function call chosen.

pdb works because a) it is designed to be imported into and run in a user module and b) it uses the existing stdin and stdout streams to interact with the user. Idb, on the other hand, is designed to be import in idlelib.run, which is (almost) invisible to user code, and use a special channel to the GUI window.

Having said that, I see a solution: before running user code, set things up as now, except do not start tracing and do not show the debugger window, but do set a run.idb_ready flag. Then breakpoint_handler() can check the flag and start tracing either through idb or pdb.

What makes breakpoint() less than super useful in IDLE is that IDLE already allows setting of persistent breakpoints on a line by right-clicking. Since they are not stored in the file, there is nothing to erase when one runs the code in Python directly.

Terry Jan Reedy

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