> The PEP 11 has a nice description to get a *full* support of a new platform:
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0011/

PEP 11 defines the endpoint, full support, and several requirements to
call a platform fully supported. It would be nice if a process was
defined for getting from "no support" to "full support." I think that
to be as supportive as possible (no pun intended), it would make sense
to grant people check-in privileges to a branch (if that's possible or
desirable), or, if not, list forks which are intended to add support
for various platforms which are moving toward full support. I don't
know if PEP 11 is the right place to track such activity, relatively
few updates should be required. I doubt it will be an onerous burden.
Something like:

* ButterflyOS - Victor Stinner (victor.stin...@gmail.com) is working
to add CPython support for this platform on this Git branch:
* MothOS - Skip Montanaro (skip.montan...@gmail.com) is working to add
CPython support for this platform on this Git branch:

Interested parties would be directed to contact the pilots of those
branches if they wanted to contribute.

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