Initially generator expressions always had to be written inside parentheses, as documented in PEP 289 [1]. The additional parenthesis could be omitted on calls with only one argument, because in this case the generator expression already is written inside parentheses. You could write just `list(x for x in [1])` instead of `list((x for x in [1]))`. The following code was an error:

>>> list(x for x in [1], *[])
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> list(x for x in [1],)
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

You needed to add explicit parenthesis in these cases:

>>> list((x for x in [1]), *[])
>>> list((x for x in [1]),)

But in Python 2.5 the following examples were accepted:

>>> list(x for x in [1], *[])
>>> list(x for x in [1], *{})
>>> list(x for x in [1],)

However I haven't found anything about this change in the "What's New In Python 2.5" document [2].

The former two cases were found to be a mistake and it was fixed in Python 3.5.

>>> list(x for x in [1], *[])
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: Generator expression must be parenthesized if not sole argument
>>> list(x for x in [1], *{})
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: Generator expression must be parenthesized if not sole argument

But `list(x for x in [1],)` still is accepted. I think it would be better it this raises a SyntaxError.

1. This syntax is ambiguous, because at first look it is not clear whether it is equivalent to `list((x for x in [1]),)` or to `list(x for x in ([1],))`.

2. It is bad from the aesthetic point of view, because this is the only case when the generator expression has not written inside parentheses. I believe that allowing to omit parenthesis in a call with a single generator expression argument was caused by aesthetic reasons.

3. I believe the trailing comma in function call was allowed because this simplified adding, removing and commenting out arguments.


You shouldn't touch other lines by adding or removing a comma when add or remove arguments. But this reason is not applicable to the case of `list((x for x in [1]),)`, because the generator expression without parenthesis should be the only argument. Therefore there is no reasons to allow this syntax.

4. 2to3 didn't supported this syntax for recent times [4]. Finally it was changed, but I think that it would be better to disallow this syntax for reasons mentioned above.


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