Aha, contextlib.nullcontext() was just added, cool!



2017-09-09 21:54 GMT+02:00 Victor Stinner <victor.stin...@gmail.com>:
> I always wanted this feature (no kidding).
> Would it be possible to add support for the context manager?
> with noop(): ...
> Maybe noop can be an instance of:
> class Noop:
>   def __enter__(self, *args, **kw): return self
>   def __exit__(self, *args): pass
>   def __call__(self, *args, **kw): return self
> Victor
> Le 9 sept. 2017 11:48 AM, "Barry Warsaw" <ba...@python.org> a écrit :
>> I couldn’t resist one more PEP from the Core sprint.  I won’t reveal where
>> or how this one came to me.
>> -Barry
>> PEP: 559
>> Title: Built-in noop()
>> Author: Barry Warsaw <ba...@python.org>
>> Status: Draft
>> Type: Standards Track
>> Content-Type: text/x-rst
>> Created: 2017-09-08
>> Python-Version: 3.7
>> Post-History: 2017-09-09
>> Abstract
>> ========
>> This PEP proposes adding a new built-in function called ``noop()`` which
>> does
>> nothing but return ``None``.
>> Rationale
>> =========
>> It is trivial to implement a no-op function in Python.  It's so easy in
>> fact
>> that many people do it many times over and over again.  It would be useful
>> in
>> many cases to have a common built-in function that does nothing.
>> One use case would be for PEP 553, where you could set the breakpoint
>> environment variable to the following in order to effectively disable it::
>>     $ setenv PYTHONBREAKPOINT=noop
>> Implementation
>> ==============
>> The Python equivalent of the ``noop()`` function is exactly::
>>     def noop(*args, **kws):
>>         return None
>> The C built-in implementation is available as a pull request.
>> Rejected alternatives
>> =====================
>> ``noop()`` returns something
>> ----------------------------
>> This is rejected because it complicates the semantics.  For example, if
>> you
>> always return both ``*args`` and ``**kws``, what do you return when none
>> of
>> those are given?  Returning a tuple of ``((), {})`` is kind of ugly, but
>> provides consistency.  But you might also want to just return ``None``
>> since
>> that's also conceptually what the function was passed.
>> Or, what if you pass in exactly one positional argument, e.g. ``noop(7)``.
>> Do
>> you return ``7`` or ``((7,), {})``?  And so on.
>> The author claims that you won't ever need the return value of ``noop()``
>> so
>> it will always return ``None``.
>> Coghlin's Dialogs (edited for formatting):
>>     My counterargument to this would be ``map(noop, iterable)``,
>>     ``sorted(iterable, key=noop)``, etc. (``filter``, ``max``, and
>>     ``min`` all accept callables that accept a single argument, as do
>>     many of the itertools operations).
>>     Making ``noop()`` a useful default function in those cases just
>>     needs the definition to be::
>>        def noop(*args, **kwds):
>>            return args[0] if args else None
>>     The counterargument to the counterargument is that using ``None``
>>     as the default in all these cases is going to be faster, since it
>>     lets the algorithm skip the callback entirely, rather than calling
>>     it and having it do nothing useful.
>> Copyright
>> =========
>> This document has been placed in the public domain.
>> ..
>>    Local Variables:
>>    mode: indented-text
>>    indent-tabs-mode: nil
>>    sentence-end-double-space: t
>>    fill-column: 70
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>>    End:
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