
I knew that I had to rewrite my PEP 540, but I was too lazy. Since
Guido explicitly requested a shorter PEP, here you have!


Trust me, it's the same PEP, but focused on the most important
information and with a shorter rationale ;-)

Full text below.


PEP: 540
Title: Add a new UTF-8 mode
Version: $Revision$
Last-Modified: $Date$
Author: Victor Stinner <victor.stin...@gmail.com>
BDFL-Delegate: INADA Naoki
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 5-January-2016
Python-Version: 3.7


Add a new UTF-8 mode to ignore the locale and use the UTF-8 encoding
with the ``surrogateescape`` error handler. This mode is enabled by
default in the POSIX locale, but otherwise disabled by default.

Add also a "strict" UTF-8 mode which uses the ``strict`` error handler,
instead of ``surrogateescape``, with the UTF-8 encoding.

The new ``-X utf8`` command line option and ``PYTHONUTF8`` environment
variable are added to control the UTF-8 mode.


Locale encoding and UTF-8

Python 3.6 uses the locale encoding for filenames, environment
variables, standard streams, etc. The locale encoding is inherited from
the locale; the encoding and the locale are tightly coupled.

Many users inherit the ASCII encoding from the POSIX locale, aka the "C"
locale, but are unable change the locale for different reasons. This
encoding is very limited in term of Unicode support: any non-ASCII
character is likely to cause troubles. For example, the Alpine Linux
distribution became popular thanks to Docker containers, but it uses the
POSIX locale by default.

It is not easy to get the expected locale. Locales don't get the exact
same name on all Linux distributions, FreeBSD, macOS, etc. Some
locales, like the recent ``C.UTF-8`` locale, are only supported by a few
platforms. For example, a SSH connection can use a different encoding
than the filesystem or terminal encoding of the local host.

On the other side, Python 3.6 is already using UTF-8 by default on
macOS, Android and Windows (PEP 529) for most functions, except of
``open()``. UTF-8 is also the default encoding of Python scripts, XML
and JSON file formats. The Go programming language uses UTF-8 for

When all data are stored as UTF-8 but the locale is often misconfigured,
an obvious solution is to ignore the locale and use UTF-8.

Passthough undecodable bytes: surrogateescape

Using UTF-8 is nice, until you read the first file encoded to a
different encoding. When using the ``strict`` error handler, which is
the default, Python 3 raises a ``UnicodeDecodeError`` on the first
undecodable byte.

Unix command line tools like ``cat`` or ``grep`` and most Python 2
applications simply do not have this class of bugs: they don't decode
data, but process data as a raw bytes sequence.

Python 3 already has a solution to behave like Unix tools and Python 2:
the ``surrogateescape`` error handler (:pep:`383`). It allows to process
data "as bytes" but uses Unicode in practice (undecodable bytes are
stored as surrogate characters).

For an application written as a Unix "pipe" tool like ``grep``, taking
input on stdin and writing output to stdout, ``surrogateescape`` allows
to "passthrough" undecodable bytes.

The UTF-8 encoding used with the ``surrogateescape`` error handler is a
compromise between correctness and usability.

Strict UTF-8 for correctness

When correctness matters more than usability, the ``strict`` error
handler is preferred over ``surrogateescape`` to raise an encoding error
at the first undecodable byte or unencodable character.

No change by default for best backward compatibility

While UTF-8 is perfect in most cases, sometimes the locale encoding is
actually the best encoding.

This PEP changes the behaviour for the POSIX locale since this locale
usually gives the ASCII encoding, whereas UTF-8 is a much better choice.
It does not change the behaviour for other locales to prevent any risk
or regression.

As users are responsible to enable explicitly the new UTF-8 mode, they
are responsible for any potential mojibake issues caused by this mode.


Add a new UTF-8 mode to ignore the locale and use the UTF-8 encoding
with the ``surrogateescape`` error handler. This mode is enabled by
default in the POSIX locale, but otherwise disabled by default.

Add also a "strict" UTF-8 mode which uses the ``strict`` error handler,
instead of ``surrogateescape``, with the UTF-8 encoding.

The new ``-X utf8`` command line option and ``PYTHONUTF8`` environment
variable are added to control the UTF-8 mode:

* The UTF-8 mode is enabled by ``-X utf8`` or ``PYTHONUTF8=1``
* The Strict UTF-8 mode is configured by ``-X utf8=strict`` or

The POSIX locale enables the UTF-8 mode. In this case, the UTF-8 mode
can be explicitly disabled by ``-X utf8=0`` or ``PYTHONUTF8=0``.

For standard streams, the ``PYTHONIOENCODING`` environment variable has
priority over the UTF-8 mode.

On Windows, the ``PYTHONLEGACYWINDOWSFSENCODING`` environment variable
(:pep:`529`) has the priority over the UTF-8 mode.

Backward Compatibility

The only backward incompatible change is that the UTF-8 encoding is now
used for the POSIX locale.

Annex: Encodings And Error Handlers

The UTF-8 mode changes the default encoding and error handler used by
``open()``, ``os.fsdecode()``, ``os.fsencode()``, ``sys.stdin``,
``sys.stdout`` and ``sys.stderr``.

Encoding and error handler

============================  =======================
==========================  ==========================
Function                      Default                  UTF-8 mode or
POSIX locale  Strict UTF-8 mode
============================  =======================
==========================  ==========================
open()                        locale/strict
**UTF-8/surrogateescape**   **UTF-8**/strict
os.fsdecode(), os.fsencode()  locale/surrogateescape
**UTF-8**/surrogateescape   **UTF-8**/surrogateescape
sys.stdin, sys.stdout         locale/strict
**UTF-8/surrogateescape**   **UTF-8**/strict
sys.stderr                    locale/backslashreplace
**UTF-8**/backslashreplace  **UTF-8**/backslashreplace
============================  =======================
==========================  ==========================

By comparison, Python 3.6 uses:

============================  =======================
Function                      Default                  POSIX locale
============================  =======================
open()                        locale/strict            locale/strict
os.fsdecode(), os.fsencode()  locale/surrogateescape   locale/surrogateescape
sys.stdin, sys.stdout         locale/strict
sys.stderr                    locale/backslashreplace  locale/backslashreplace
============================  =======================

Encoding and error handler on Windows

On Windows, the encodings and error handlers are different:

============================  =======================
==========================  ==========================
Function                      Default                  Legacy Windows
FS encoding  UTF-8 mode                  Strict UTF-8 mode
============================  =======================
==========================  ==========================
open()                        mbcs/strict              mbcs/strict
            **UTF-8/surrogateescape**   **UTF-8**/strict
os.fsdecode(), os.fsencode()  UTF-8/surrogatepass
**mbcs/replace**            UTF-8/surrogatepass
sys.stdin, sys.stdout         UTF-8/surrogateescape
UTF-8/surrogateescape       UTF-8/surrogateescape
sys.stderr                    UTF-8/backslashreplace
UTF-8/backslashreplace      UTF-8/backslashreplace
============================  =======================
==========================  ==========================

By comparison, Python 3.6 uses:

============================  =======================
Function                      Default                  Legacy Windows
FS encoding
============================  =======================
open()                        mbcs/strict              mbcs/strict
os.fsdecode(), os.fsencode()  UTF-8/surrogatepass      **mbcs/replace**
sys.stdin, sys.stdout         UTF-8/surrogateescape    UTF-8/surrogateescape
sys.stderr                    UTF-8/backslashreplace   UTF-8/backslashreplace
============================  =======================

The "Legacy Windows FS encoding" is enabled by the

If stdin and/or stdout is redirected to a pipe, ``sys.stdin`` and/or
``sys.output`` use ``mbcs`` encoding by default rather than UTF-8. But
in the UTF-8 mode, ``sys.stdin`` and ``sys.stdout`` always use the UTF-8

.. note:
   There is no POSIX locale on Windows. The ANSI code page is used to the
   locale encoding, and this code page never uses the ASCII encoding.

Annex: Differences between the PEP 538 and the PEP 540

The PEP 538 uses the "C.UTF-8" locale which is quite new and only
supported by a few Linux distributions; this locale is not currently
supported by FreeBSD or macOS for example. This PEP 540 supports all
operating systems.

The PEP 538 only changes the behaviour for the POSIX locale. While the
new UTF-8 mode of this PEP is only enabled by the POSIX locale, it can
be enabled manually for any other locale.

The PEP 538 is implemented with ``setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "C.UTF-8")``: any
non-Python code running in the process is impacted by this change.  This
PEP is implemented in Python internals and ignores the locale:
non-Python running in the same process is not aware of the "Python UTF-8


* `bpo-29240: Implementation of the PEP 540: Add a new UTF-8 mode
* `PEP 538 <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0538/>`_:
  "Coercing the legacy C locale to C.UTF-8"
* `PEP 529 <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0529/>`_:
  "Change Windows filesystem encoding to UTF-8"
* `PEP 528 <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0528/>`_:
  "Change Windows console encoding to UTF-8"
* `PEP 383 <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0383/>`_:
  "Non-decodable Bytes in System Character Interfaces"

Post History

* 2017-12: `[Python-Dev] PEP 540: Add a new UTF-8 mode
* 2017-04: `[Python-Dev] Proposed BDFL Delegate update for PEPs 538 &
  540 (assuming UTF-8 for *nix system boundaries)
* 2017-01: `[Python-ideas] PEP 540: Add a new UTF-8 mode
* 2017-01: `bpo-28180: Implementation of the PEP 538: coerce C locale to
  C.utf-8 (msg284764) <https://bugs.python.org/issue28180#msg284764>`_
* 2016-08-17: `bpo-27781: Change sys.getfilesystemencoding() on Windows
  to UTF-8 (msg272916) <https://bugs.python.org/issue27781#msg272916>`_
  -- Victor proposed ``-X utf8`` for the :pep:`529` (Change Windows
  filesystem encoding to UTF-8)


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