Hi Victor,

On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 6:49 PM, Victor Stinner
<victor.stin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Yury,
> I like the overall idea and I prefer this PEP over PEP 550 since it's
> shorter and easier to read :-)
> Question: Is there an API to list all context variables?

Context implements abc.Mapping, so 'get_context().keys()' will give
you a list of all ContextVars in the current context.

> Would it be possible to have a very summary of the changes in the PEP?
> I propose:
> """
> * Added contextvars module with ContextVar, Context and Token classes,
> and a get_context() function
> * asyncio: Added keyword-only context parameter to call_at(),
> call_later(), call_soon() methods of event loops and
> Future.add_done_callback(); Task are modified internally to maintain
> their own isolated context.
> """


> Each get_context() call returns a new Context object. It may be worth
> to mention it. I understand why, but it's surprising that "assert
> get_context() is not get_context()" fails. Maybe it's a naming issue?
> Maybe rename it to contextvars.context()?

I think the name is fine.  While get_context() will return a new instance
every time you call it, those instances will have the same context
variables/values in them, so I don't think it's a problem.

>> Abstract: ... This concept is similar to thread-local variables but, unlike 
>> TLS, ...
> nitpick: please write "Thread Local Storage (TLS)". When I read TLS, I
> understand HTTPS (Transport Layer Security) :-)


>> ``contextvars.Token`` is an opaque object that should be used to
>> restore the ``ContextVar`` to its previous value, or remove it from
>> the context if it was not set before.  The ``ContextVar.reset(Token)``
>> is used for that::
>>     old = var.set(1)
>>     try:
>>         ...
>>     finally:
>>         var.reset(old)
> I don't see where is the token in this example. Does set() return a
> token object? Yes according to ContextVar pseudo-code below.
> When I read "old", I understand that set() returns the old value, not
> an opaque token. Maybe rename "old" to "token"?


>> The ``Token`` API exists to make the current proposal forward
>> compatible with :pep:`550`, in case there is demand to support
>> context variables in generators and asynchronous generators in the
>> future.
> Cool. I like the idea of starting with something simple in Python 3.7.
> Then extend it in Python 3.8 or later (support generators), if it
> becomes popular, once the first simple (but "incomplete", without
> generators) implementation is battle-tested.
>> Any changes to any context variables that ``function`` causes, will
>> be contained in the ``ctx`` context::
>>     var = ContextVar('var')
>>     var.set('spam')
>>     def function():
>>         assert var.get() == 'spam'
>>         var.set('ham')
>>         assert var.get() == 'ham'
>>     ctx = get_context()
>>     ctx.run(function)
>>     assert var.get('spam')
> Should I read assert var.get() == 'spam' here?

Yes, fixed.

> At the first read, I understood that that ctx.run() creates a new
> temporary context which is removed once ctx.run() returns.
> Now I understand that context variable values are restored to their
> previous values once run() completes. Am I right?

ctx.run(func) runs 'func' in the 'ctx' context.  Any changes to
ContextVars that func makes will stay isolated to the 'ctx' context.

> Maybe add a short comment to explain that?


> # Call function() in the context ctx
> # and then restores context variables of ctx to their previous values
> ctx.run(function)
>> Backwards Compatibility
>> =======================
>> This proposal preserves 100% backwards compatibility.
> Ok.
>> Libraries that use ``threading.local()`` to store context-related
>> values, currently work correctly only for synchronous code.  Switching
>> them to use the proposed API will keep their behavior for synchronous
>> code unmodified, but will automatically enable support for
>> asynchronous code.
> I'm confused by this sentence. I suggest to remove it :-)
> Converting code to contextvars makes it immediately backward
> incompatible, no I'm not sure that it's a good it to suggest it in
> this section.

If we update decimal to use ContextVars internally, decimal will stay
100% backwards compatible.

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