On 12/15/2017 5:56 AM, Steve Holden wrote:
On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 5:10 PM, Chris Barker - NOAA Federal <chris.bar...@noaa.gov <mailto:chris.bar...@noaa.gov>> wrote:
However, typing is not currently imported by dataclasses.py.
    And there you have an actual reason besides my uneasiness :-)

    - CHB


[Agreed with Antoine on the MUA and quoting being confusing.]

The only reason typing isn't imported is performance. I hope that once PEP 560 is complete this will no longer be an issue, and dataclasses will always import typing. But of course typing will still not be needed for most uses of @dataclass or make_dataclass(). This is explained in the PEP.

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