On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 4:20 AM, INADA Naoki <songofaca...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Against the official CPython 3.6 (probably .3 or .4) release I see:
> > 1 that is 2.01x faster (python-startup, 24.6ms down to 12.2ms)
> > 5 that are >=1.5x,<1.6x faster.
> > 13 that are >=1.4x,<1.5x faster.
> > 21 that are >=1.3x,<1.4x faster.
> > 14 that are >=1.2x,<1.3x faster.
> > 5 that are >=1.1x,<1.2x faster.
> > 0 that are < 1.1x faster/slower.
> >
> > Pretty good numbers overall I think.

> Yay!!  Congrats for all of us!

I'm confused -- I _think_ these are performance improvements of the
Anaconda build over the python.org build for OS-X -- so congrats to the
Anaconda team :-)

But a hint that maybe we should do the python.org builds differently!



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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