> It's been a year and 10 days since we moved to GitHub, so I figured now is
> as good a time as any to ask people if they are generally happy with the
> workflow

It's been great! Thanks!

> Said PEP may also need to mention the possibility of exporting
> > the history of GitHub issues, in case CPython ever migrates away from
> > GitHub; I remember that concern being raised when the original
> > migration was discussed.
> There are tools for it (e.g., I wrote
> https://github.com/mcepl/github-issues-export to move issues to
> Bugzilla, yes I am weird) and it is not that difficult to write
> something just to get data from GitHub’s all embracing arms. Of
> course, I am not sure how it would work on really large number
> of bugs, and it would be necessary to do some postprocessing
> (changing issue numbers etc.).

It's really more complicated than just copying over text from the bpo to
GitHub. Can we preserve the history and the existing discussions?
What about existing patches currently attached to issues? Can the issue
number be preserved?
Everywhere in our commit message we reference bpo-NNNN. What will happen to
We'll need to come up with new workflow. How do we want to triage the
issues? And what does it mean to current bug tracker triage permission?

The recent
> improvements to @miss-islington (kudos to Mariatta!) allowing her to
> auto-backport PRs and commit them is a big time saver.

Thanks! I can't take all credit. The bots are easy to build and maintain
mainly because of Brett Cannon's gidgethub [1] library. Thanks Brett!
Also... is this a good time to advertise my PyCon tutorial [2] about
building GitHub bots?

 I still miss my “commit when CI completes” button, but oh well.

It is in my todo list, to at least notify when all CI completed so we can
go back and merge it.
I'll have time to think about this after PyCon US.

if there is a particular sticking point to please bring it up

This has been brought up several times in different mailing lists: Please
clean up the commit message before merging.

1. Ensure bpo-NNNNN is included.
If the bpo-NNNNN is not included, the commit doesn't get linked to the
issue in the b.p.o.

2. Ensure that the GitHub PR number is replaced, from (#12345) to (GH-12345)
In the b.p.o,  (#12345) links to bugs.python.org/issue12345 instead of
linking to GitHub PR number 12345.

3. Don't reference bpo-NNNNN as #NNNNN in the commit message.
tl;dr it breaks the bots. See [3] and [4]

One improvement I've been thinking about is related to the way we add news
entry using "blurb add" on the command line.
I wish there's a web UI for doing it. A place where I can type in the news
entry, give it the GitHub PR number, the bpo number, and with a button
click the News.d file magically created and added to the PR. Any thoughts
about this?

Mariatta Wijaya

[1] https://gidgethub.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
[2] https://us.pycon.org/2018/schedule/presentation/41/
[3] https://github.com/python/bedevere/issues/95#issuecomment-366570410
[4] https://github.com/python/bedevere/issues/97
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