On 06/02/2016 10:25 AM, Rajeshkumar Pothiappan wrote:
> Thanks Charalampos Stratakis, 
> I would like to package 
> http://fedora.portingdb.xyz/pkg/python-fsmonitor/
> yograterol is maintaining that package.
> How to contact yograterol ?
> Can i use yograte...@fedoraproject.org or any other way? 

Hi Rajeshkumar,
Since the project has a Bugzilla bug open, it would be best to ask for
status and/or offer help there:
You can check "Need additional information" from the maintainer.
The maintainer should get e-mails for all comments there. If he doesn't
respond in a week or so, you can either:
- write the patch anyway, and ask a provenpackager to review and push it
- (more officially) follow the Non-responsive Maintainer Policy [0] and
take over the package


Petr Viktorin
python-devel mailing list

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