On 21 August 2017 at 19:46, Petr Viktorin <pvikt...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 08/18/2017 01:38 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>> Does that approach sound sufficiently plausible to folks that I can
>> use it to provide feedback to the folks working on the modularity
>> tooling as to the capabilities we think we'll need?
> That sounds like it would work. But yes, please talk to the Modularity WG to
> see if modules can be made to work that way.

Aye, this draft proposal was essentially me figuring out what I think
we're going to want/need for Python before I pitched the related
feature ideas to the Modularity WG :)

The proposal then became something I could point to to say "This is
the problem I'm trying to solve" while we discussed various possible
ways of solving it.

I finally had a discussion with Langdon about it today, and he really
isn't a fan of my idea of trying to enhance the modularity tooling to
natively support parallel installation of streams - he'd strongly
prefer that we stick to the idea of "one active stream per module per
system" (at least for now), and then rely on separate SRPMs and/or the
Software Collections parallel installation layout to handle use cases
like tox.

(Note: I'll get the properly formatted proposal updated by tomorrow,
so feel free to wait for that if the email version below is a bit hard
to read)

My current thinking based on that discussion is that we're actually
going to need a module set that looks like this for F28+:

* Platform Python (already planned for F27)
  - part of the Platform module
  - stream names match Fedora releases (f26, f27, etc)
* Python Application Runtime Modules (already planned for F27)
  - one module for Python 2 and one for Python 3
  - stream names match upstream Python releases (2.7, 3.6, etc)
  - Application Runtime Modules conflict with the corresponding
Integrated Python Module
  - provide "/usr/bin/python2" and "/usr/bin/python3" respectively
  - also satisfy "python2-*" and "python3-*" RPM dependencies
  - only the Python 2 module satisfies "python-*" RPM dependencies (for now)
* Integrated Python Modules
  - one module for Python 2 and one for Python 3
  - stream names match Fedora releases (f26, f27, etc)
  - each depends on an *exact* version of the corresponding Python
Application Runtime module
* Default Python Module
  - provides /usr/bin/python (and nothing else)
  - stream names: no-default, python3-default, python2-default

The scope for F27 would specifically be Platform Python and the Python
Application Runtime Modules, with the separate Integrated Python
Modules being defined for F28+

At least for now, the Python XY stacks for Fedora and EPEL, as well as
the Python SCLs, would be treated as something generated downstream
from the app runtime modules, rather than as something that the
modularity tooling would necessarily handle natively.

The general idea is that it would then be up to other modules to
decide whether they specifically needed the Integrated Python Module
with all the related system bindings (in which case they'd either
depend on that module, or depend on another RPM that depended on it),
or were prepared to cope with any installed version of Python 3 (in
which case they'd just use normal RPM level "python3*" dependencies).

Right now, the difference between the Integrated Python Modules and
the Python Application Runtime Modules isn't particularly obvious, but
it hopefully becomes clearer once we consider questions like "Who will
decide when to rebase to Python 3.7?" and "When will a particular
stream stop being updated?".

For the Integrated Python Modules, those are Fedora level design
decisions, as reflected in the stream names being based on Fedora
versions. This means that for a system container, or a traditional
mutable installation, you'd be able to continue to rely on a shared
Python installation with all the operating system level bindings for
things like the RPM database, without Fedora package maintainers
having to provide prebuilt bindings for arbitrary Python versions.
You'd only change streams when you changed base Fedora versions, and
the update cycle for these streams would match the Fedora release
cycle (i.e. each stream would receive updates for 13 months from the
date of the corresponding Fedora release).

By contrast, for the Python App Runtime Modules, when to rebase is an
application developer level decision, as reflected in the stream names
being based directly on Python versions. This means that for an
application container image, you'd be able to select an arbitrary
Python version of your choice, but in doing so, you'd potentially be
giving up ready access to pre-built bindings for various system APIs
(if your choice of stream didn't match the dependencies declared in
the Integrated Python Module). For these streams, the update cycle
would match that of the relevant upstream Python branch (i.e. full
maintenance updates until shortly after the next Python feature
release, then security updates until 5 years after the original X.Y.0


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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