This looks like the pip issue for passing options to backends (like
sip-build, presumably): https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/5771
On 23. 06. 21 13:17, Miro Hrončok wrote:
since Scott is working on update to sip 5 (thank you!) I've figured this
is a good time check if we can use the PyQt-builder Python build backend
with our pyproject-rpm-macros.
tl;dr It is broken in various ways and I am unsure where to attempt to
fix things.
This was my case study:
I've used the python-pyqtchart package as a test subject, as it is
fairly simple and has an open pull request to port it to sip5 [1].
I've pretty much reconstructed the spec file as I would normally do:
To ease things up, I've kept the non-Python-packages BuilRequires
intact, so the package still BuildRequires python3-qt5-devel,
qt5-qtcharts-devel and qt5-qtbase-private-devel. I've removed the
BuildRequires on python3dist(sip) and python3dist(pyqt-builder) as I've
expected those to be generated.
The simplified pyproject.toml file looks like this:
requires = ["sip >=5.3, <7", "PyQt-builder >=1.6, <2"]
build-backend = "sipbuild.api"
name = "PyQtChart"
version = "5.15.2"
requires-dist = "PyQt5 (>=5.15)"
project-factory = "pyqtbuild:PyQtProject"
tag-prefix = "QtChart"
qmake-QT = ["charts"]
I've also tried with version 5.15.4, but not much is different.
I've used the copr with sip5 [2] to build the package.
[...] build
backend that does not support the prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel hook.
Bummer, but fair.
We can RFE PyQt-builder to add that hook.
[...] PyQt-builder calls
"qmake" and that command was not available. I've looked into the code
and the "qmake" name is hardcoded, but searched on $PATH.
The "original" non-pyproject spec has:
sip-build ... --qmake="%{_qt5_qmake}"
But there is no (known) way to pass such options to the backend.
[...] workaround exists.
During %pyproject_wheel, "make" is called internally by the backend. The
build is not parallelized. I was able to workaround this by using
We might want to set this environment variable to '%{_make_output_sync}
%{?_smp_mflags} %{_make_verbose}' in the %pyproject_wheel macro, so any
backed that utilizes make gets the default arguments Fedora packages
should use.
Anyway, this is not a blocker to build the package.
Processing files: python-pyqtchart-debugsource-5.15.4-1.fc35.x86_64
RPM build errors:
error: Empty %files file /builddir/build/BUILD/PyQtChart-5.15.4
This is a problem I get next. It likely means the build flags are not
Our macros set the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS environment variables, but the
build does not respect them. I've tried exporting CXXFLAGS as well, but
no dice.
Apparently, the build backend does not pass the variables to the build.
I've tried a workaround like this:
export MAKEFLAGS='%{?_smp_mflags} CPPFLAGS="%{build_cxxflags}"'
But it makes the internal make call just dump the targets instead of
actually building, so I guess I am doing it wrong. Either way, I think
we need to fix PyQt-builder/sip to respect the flags from the
environment variables.
Funnily enbough, when I break make like this, it creates the wheel
anyway, but with no dist-info metadata in it. I guess if users break
make by setting wrong MAKEFLAGS, the wheel should not be created at all :/
To move forward, I've used %global debug_package %{nil}, but I consider
not using the Fedora's flag a blocker before we recommend the macros for
packages that use PyQt-builder.
The next problem I got was:
error: File not found:
The "original" non-pyproject specfile had:
sip-build ... --api-dir=%{_qt5_datadir}/qsci/api/python
And as said previously, I don't know a way to pass such options to the
I am not skilled enough in Qt and SIP, so I have no idea if we need to
ship the .api file or not. But if we need or want to, we should be able
to. When the option is not used, the api file is not installed anywhere.
I was unable to figure this out yet.
That's it. I don't really know where to fix things, and I'd appreciate
some pointers. This is not a very high priority for me right now, but
once the new Python guidelines [4] are in place, I think we should make
this work, possibly with some reasonable worarounds.
[1] https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/python-pyqtchart/pull-request/6
[2] https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/swt2c/pyqt5-sip5/
[4] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/PythonPackagingGuidelines202x
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