Thanks for the clarity, Steve, a couple questions/thoughts:

The choices are:
> * don't represent them at all (remove bytes API)

Would the bytes API be removed on *nix also?

> * convert and drop characters not in the (legacy) active code page
> * convert and fail on characters not in the (legacy) active code page

"Failure is not an option" -- These two seem like a plain old bad idea.

* convert and fail on invalid surrogate pairs

where would an invalid surrogate pair come from? never from a file system
API call, yes?

* represent them as UTF-16-LE in bytes (with embedded '\0' everywhere)

would this be doing anything -- or just keeping whatever the Windows API
takes/returns? i.e. exactly what is done on *nix?

> The fifth option is the best for round-tripping within Windows APIs.

How is it better? only performance (i.e. no encoding/decoding required) --
or would it be more reliable as well?



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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