On 8/18/2016 1:39 PM, Steve Dower wrote:
On 18Aug2016 1036, Terry Reedy wrote:
On 8/18/2016 11:25 AM, Steve Dower wrote:

In this case, we would announce in 3.6 that using bytes as paths on
Windows is no longer deprecated,

My understanding is the the first 2 fixes refine the deprecation rather
than reversing it.  And #3 simply applies it.

#3 certainly just applies the deprecation.

As for the first two, I don't see any reason to deprecate the
functionality once the issues are resolved. If using utf-8 encoded bytes
is going to work fine in all the same cases as using str, why discourage

As I understand it, you still proposing to remove the use of bytes encoded with anything other than utf-8 (and the corresponding *A internal functions) and in particular stop lossy path transformations. Am I wrong?

Terry Jan Reedy

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