Having followed Yury Selivanov yselivanov.ml at gmail.com <http://gmail.com/> 
proposal to add async/await to Python  (PEP 492 Coroutines with async and await 
syntax and (PEP 525  Asynchronous Generators) and and especially the discussion 
about PEP 530: Asynchronous Comprehensions  I would like to add some concerns 
about the direction Python is taking on this.

As Sven R. Kunze srkunze at mail.de <http://mail.de/> mentions the is a risk of 
having to double a lot of methods/functions to have an Async implementation. 
Just look at the mess in .NET  when Microsoft introduced async/await in their 
library, a huge number of functions had to be implemented with a Async version 
of each member. Definitely not the DRY principle.

While I think parallelism and concurrency are very important features in a 
language, I feel the direction Python is taking right now is getting to 
complicated, being difficult to understand and implement correct.

I thought it might be worth to look at using async at a higher level. Instead 
of making methods, generators and lists async, why not make the object itself 
async? Meaning that the method call (message to object) is async


class SomeClass(object):
   def some_method(self):
       return 42

o = async SomeClass()  # Indicating that the user want’s an async version of 
the object
r = o.some_method()    # Will implicit be a async/await “wrapped” method no 
matter impl.
# Here other code could execute, until the result (r) is referenced
print r

I think above code is easier to implement, use and understand, while it handles 
some of the use cases handled by defining a lot of methods as async/await.

I have made a small implementation called PYWORKS 
(https://github.com/pylots/pyworks <https://github.com/pylots/pyworks>), 
somewhat based on the idea above. PYWORKS has been used in several real world 
implementation and seams to be fairly easy for developers to understand and use.


PS. This is my first post to python-ideas, please be gentle :-)
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