OT, but....

Assuming your dependencies have version agnostic wheels (either manylinux
> or pure python), what would be the advantage to you of putting everything
> together in a single file?
> That being said, I suppose it would be possible to create your own
> manylinux wheels that include all the necessary dependencies, but that
> would make building more difficult and opens up the possibility that the
> installed modules will conflict with users' existing installed packages.

which is why conda exists -- conda can package up many things besides
python packages, and you WILL need things besides python pacakges.

building conda packages for everything you need, and then creating an
environment.yaml file, and you can create a consistent environment very
easy across systems (even across OSs) There is even a project (I forgot
what its called -- "collections" maybe?) that bundles up a bunch of conda
packages for you.

and with conda-forge, there are an awful lot of packages already to go.

If you need even more control over your environment, then Docker is the way
to go -- you can even use conda inside docker...


> Another possibility would be to use docker to create a container [2] that
> includes everything you need to run the code in an isolated environment
> that won't conflict
> [1] https://github.com/pypa/manylinux
> [2] https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/docker-
> explained-how-to-containerize-python-web-applications
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