On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 1:50 PM, Guido van Rossum <gu...@python.org> wrote:

> Also -- the ship has kinda sailed on this - maybe a @not_override would
>> make more sense.
>> Isn't the goal to make sure you don't accidentally override a method?
>> saying "I know I'm overriding this" is less useful than "I'm not intending
>> to override anything here"
> I think you're fighting a straw man. I never said @override should be
> added to the language. I said that it would be useful to have a 3rd party
> metaclass or a class decorator that implements it which packages may
> voluntarily use to constrain their subclasses (or their own uses --
> different designs are possible).

I know -- I just happened to add that to a reply to you...

That was for the OP, or anyone else thinking of writing such a thing.

And I still think it would better be added to a linting tool than at
run-time -- but let whoever writes it figure that out.



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