On 2016-11-29 02:58, victor rajewski wrote:
NameError: name 'reponse' is not defined
A better message might be:
You're trying to use the value of 'reponse', but that variable hasn't
got a value yet. You can give it a value earlier in the code, or it
could be a typo. You have a variable called 'response' - is that the one
you meant?
This is a really nice feature. GHC and Clang do it for several things
and it usually helps (when a live highlighter isn't available).
Given that these are HS students, presumably seeing Python for the first
time, shouldn't they be using PyCharm to get used to PEP 8 (no l[10]=14)
and other best practices (e.g., such as using 'with' instead of
'try/finally' when possible)? This would provide live syntactic (and
some semantic) highlighting with short human-readable messages.
Overall, I already find Python's exceptions quite readable, and your
suggestions propose some VERY long lines which would certainly wrap at a
terminal. Maybe this should be an optional feature.
Bernardo Sulzbach
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