On 8 December 2016 at 19:45, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:

> At the moment, you're showing
> minor advantages to decimal, and other people are showing minor
> advantages to hex; but IMO nothing yet has been strong enough to
> justify the implementation of a completely new way to do things -
> remember, people have to understand *both* in order to read code.

If the arguments in the last post are not strong enough, I think
it will be too hard to make it more strong. In my eyes
benefits in this case outweigh the downsides clearly.

And anyway, since I can use f-string now to input it,
probably one can just relax now.

And this:
   f"{65:c}{66:c}{66:c}" ,

looks actually significantly better then:

And it covers the cases I was addressing with the proposal.
I am happy. +1000 to developers, even if this is an "accidental" feature .
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