Good evening to everybody,

On 12.01.2017 03:37, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
I have a proposal for an Informational PEP that lists things which will

not change in Python. If accepted, it could be linked to from the signup

page for the mailing list, and be the one obvious place to point

newcomers to if they propose the same old cliches.


Let me first express my general thoughts on this topic.

First of all, I am anti-censor and pro-change.

So you can imagine that I am not overly excited to see such a document form for Python in general. If it's just to prevent spam on this mailing list and to reduce the signal/noise ratio here, I tend to agree with you if this document were to be attached to this mailing list only.

I don't think Python as the umbrella term for a language, an ecosystem, etc. will benefit from preventing change and from banning thoughts no matter how strange they may seem first and to some people.

Alright, after that's sorted out, I took my time to go through the list below in case the document will be accepted or made official in any form. So, please find my comment inserted there and some general thoughts at the very end.


Title: Things that won't change in Python

This a very absolute-sounding title. Maybe inserting a "(most likely)" between "that" and "won't" will give it the right nudge.

Version: $Revision$

Last-Modified: $Date$

Author: Steven D'Aprano <>

Status: Draft

Type: Informational

Content-Type: text/x-rst

Created: 11-Jan-2017

Post-History: 12-Jan-2017



This PEP documents things which will not change in future versions of Python.

Same "(most likely)" here.



This PEP hopes to reduce the noise on `Python-Ideas 

and other mailing lists.  If you have a proposal for future Python

development, and it requires changing one of the things listed here, it

is dead in the water and has **no chance of being accepted**, either because

the benefit is too little, the cost of changing the language (including

backwards compatibility) is too high, or simply because it goes against

the design preferred by the BDFL.

Many of these things are already listed in the `FAQs 

You should be familiar with both Python and the FAQs before proposing

changes to the language.

Just because something is not listed here does not necessarily mean that

it will be changed.  Each proposal will be weighed on its merits, costs

compared to benefits.  Sometimes the decision will come down to a matter

of subjective taste, in which case the BDFL has the final say.

I like these paragraphs.

Language Direction


Python 3


This shouldn't need saying, but Python 3 will not be abandoned.

Don't think this section is necessary. It's more like a project management decision not a real change.

Python 2.8


There will be `no official Python 2.8 
<>`_ ,

although third parties are welcome to fork the language, backport Python

3 features, and maintain the hybrid themselves.  Just don't call it

"Python 2.8", or any other name which gives the impression that it

is maintained by the official Python core developers.

Same here.

Type checking








Okay but a bit long. Especially the loophole description plays against the intention of the document; which is natural because we talk about change here. So, nobody knows; and neither do the authors of this document. Not saying, the loophole description should be removed. It's a perfect summary of the current situation but shifts the focus of the document and dilutes its core message.

Colons after statements that introduce a block




End statements




Explicit self




Print function



Works for me, although the newbies I know of definitely disagree here. ;-)

Significant indentation




Other syntax




Built-in Functions And Types










Built-in functions


Python is an object-oriented language, but it is not *purely*

object-oriented. Not everything needs to be `a method of some object  

and functions have their advantages.  See the


for more detail.

This is about questioning built-in functions in general, right? That didn't come across fast. Maybe, something like this could help:

"and functions (especially the built-in functions) have their advantages".

Other Language Features


The interactive interpreter



Really? Who cares anyway? Nevermind, it's okay.



This document has been placed in the public domain.

Generally speaking, I would rather describe this document as the "Guideline for Python-Ideas" which should be promoted upfront. I also get the impression that this document could use some conciseness and focus if you were to push it forward as "things that won't change". Otherwise, it just looks more like a guideline. (which I welcome as you can imagine)

Furthermore, I still don't know if an informational PEP is the right platform this kind of document especially considering the title, the circumstances by which it was born and the purpose it is supposed to serve.

Best regards,

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