On 20Jan2017 14:47, Elizabeth Myers <elizab...@interlinked.me> wrote:
1) struct.unpack and struct.unpack_from should remain
backwards-compatible. I don't want to return extra values from it like
(length unpacked, (data...)) for that reason.

Fully agree with this.

If the calcsize solution
feels a bit weird (it isn't much less efficient, because strings store
their length with them, so it's constant-time), there could also be new
functions that *do* return the length if you need it. To me though, this
feels like a use case for struct.iter_unpack.

Often, maybe, but there are still going to be protocols that the new format doesn't support, where the performant thing to do (in pure Python) is to scan what you can with struct and "hand scan" the special bits with special code. Consider, for example, a format like MP4/ISO14496, where there's a regular block structure (which is somewhat struct parsable) that can contain embedded arbitraily weird information. Or the flipside where struct parsable data are embedded in a format not supported by struct.

The mixed situation is where you need to know where the parse got up to. Calling calcsize or its variable size equivalent after a parse seems needlessly repetetive of the parse work.

For myself, I would want there to be some kind of call that returned the parse and the length scanned, with the historic interface preserved for the fixed size formats or for users not needing the length.

2) I want to avoid making a weird incongruity, where only
variable-length strings return the length actually parsed.

Fully agree. Arguing for two API calls: the current one and one that also returns the scan length.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>
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