On 02Feb2017 0601, Cory Benfield wrote:

4. Eventually, integrating the two backends above into the standard
library so that it becomes possible to reduce the reliance on OpenSSL.
This would allow future Python implementations to ship with all of their
network protocol libraries supporting platform-native TLS
implementations on Windows and macOS. This will almost certainly require
new PEPs. I’ll probably volunteer to maintain a SecureTransport library,
and I have got verbal suggestions from some other people who’d be
willing to step up and help with that. Again, we’d need help with
SChannel (looking at you, Steve).

I'm always somewhat interested in learning a new API that I've literally never looked at before, so yeah, count me in :) (my other work was using the trust APIs directly, rather than the secure socket APIs).

PyCon US sprints? It's not looking like I'll be able to set aside too much time before then, but I've already fenced off that time.


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