Apologies if this has already been covered!

Right now, if you want to get multiple elements in a list, you have to do:

elements = [mylist[a], mylist[b]]

My proposal is two-folded:

- Right now, a[b,c] is already valid syntax, since it's just indexing a
with the tuple (b, c). The proposal is to make this a specialization in the
grammar, and also allow stuff like a[b:c, d:e] (like
`a.__getitem__(slice(b, c), slice(d, e))`).

- Add support for indexing via tuples in list.__getitem__.
list.__getitem__(tuple) would roughly be equivalent to
map(list.__getitem__, tuple).

The first part is solely so that slices would be allowed in the syntax, but
if you guys don't like the idea, the second part still stands.

Thoughts? *ducks from flying tomatoes*

Ryan (ライアン)
Yoko Shimomura > ryo (supercell/EGOIST) > Hiroyuki Sawano >> everyone else
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