*If* we change something, I would prefer to modify sys.stdout. The
following issue proposes to add

You can already set the PYTHONIOENCODING environment variable to
":replace" to use "replace" on sys.stdout (and sys.stderr).


2017-03-24 16:41 GMT+01:00 Ryan Gonzalez <rym...@gmail.com>:
> Recently, I was working on a Windows GUI application that ends up running
> ffmpeg, and I wanted to see the command that was being run. However, the
> file name had a Unicode character in it (it's a Sawano song), and when I
> tried to print it to the console, it crashed during the encode/decode. (The
> encoding used in cmd doesn't support Unicode characters.)
> The workaround was to do:
> print(mystring.encode(sys.stdout.encoding,
> errors='replace).decode(sys.stdout.encoding))
> Not fun, especially since this was *just* a debug print.
> The proposal: why not add an 'errors' argument to print? That way, I
> could've just done:
> print(mystring, errors='replace')
> without having to worry about it crashing.
> --
> Ryan (ライアン)
> Yoko Shimomura > ryo (supercell/EGOIST) > Hiroyuki Sawano >> everyone else
> http://refi64.com
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