Yes Python is turing complete, there is always a solution to everything.
You can also do decorators with func = wrapper(func) instead of
@wrapper, no need for a new syntax.

Le 26/03/2017 à 20:42, Chris Angelico a écrit :
> On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 5:22 AM, Michel Desmoulin
> <> wrote:
>> Le 26/03/2017 à 10:31, Victor Stinner a écrit :
>>> print(msg) calls sys.stdout.write(msg): write() expects text, not bytes.
>> What you are saying right now is that the API is not granular enough to
>> just add a parameter. Not that it can't be done. It just mean we need to
>> expose stdout.write() encoding behavior.
>>> I dislike the idea of putting encoding options in print. It's too
>>> specific. What if tomorrow you replace print() with file.write()? Do you
>>> want to add errors there too?
>> You would have to rewrite all your calls anyway, because print() call
>> str() on things and accept already many parameters while file.write()
>> doesn't.
> You can easily make a wrapper around print(), though. For example,
> suppose you want a timestamped log file as well as the console:
> from builtins import print as pront # mess with people
> @functools.wraps(pront)
> def print(*a, **kw):
>     if "file" not in kw:
>"sep", " ").join(a))
>     return pront(*a, **kw)
> Now what happens if you add the errors handler? Does this function
> need to handle that somehow?
> ChrisA
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