On 31 March 2017 at 09:20, Stephan Houben <stephan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> FWIW, I also strongly prefer the Verbal Expression style and consider
> "normal" regular expressions to become quickly unreadable and
> unmaintainable.

Do you publish your code widely? What's the view of 3rd party users of
your code? Until this thread, I'd never even heard of the Verbal
Expression style, and I read a *lot* of open source Python code. While
it's purely anecdotal, that suggests to me that the style isn't
particularly commonly used.

(OTOH, there's also a lot less use of REs in Python code than in other
languages. Much string manipulation in Python avoids using regular
languages at all, in my experience. I think that's a good thing - use
simpler tools when appropriate and keep the power tools for the hard
cases where they justify their complexity).

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