On 28 April 2017 at 12:55, Tin Tvrtković <tinches...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm putting forward three examples. These examples are based on attrs since
> that's what I consider to be the best way of having declarative classes in
> Python today.

Your comments and examples are interesting, but don't they just come
down to "attrs is a really good library"? I certainly intend to look
at it based on what's been said in this thread. But I don't see
anything much that suggests that anything *beyond* attrs is needed
(except maybe bringing attrs into the stdlib, if its release cycle
would make that reasonable and the author was interested, and honestly
"put it in the stdlib" could be said about any good library - in
practice though publishing on PyPI and accessing via pip is 99% of the
time the more reasonable option).

Am I missing some point?
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