On 03/05/17 01:43, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Tue, May 02, 2017 at 11:39:48PM +0100, Erik wrote:
On 02/05/17 12:31, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Rather than duplicate the API and logic everywhere, I suggest we add a
new string method. My suggestion is str.chunk(size, delimiter=' ') and
str.rchunk() with the same arguments:

For the record, I now think the second argument should be called "sep",
for separator, and I'm okay with Greg's suggestion we call the method

=> returns "1234 ABCD EF"

Why do you want to limit it to strings?

I'm not stopping anyone from proposing a generalisation of this that
works with other sequence types. As somebody did :-)

Who? I didn't spot that in the thread - please give a reference. Thanks.

Anyway, I know you can't stop anyone from *proposing* something like this, but as soon as they do you may decide to quote the recipe from "https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#zip"; and try to block their proposition. There are already threads on fora that do that.

That was my sticking point at the time when I implemented a general solution. Why bother to propose something that (although it made my code significantly faster) had already been blocked as being something that should be a python-level operation and not something to be included in a built-in?

String methods should return strings.

In that case, we need to fix this ASAP ;) :

>>> 'foobarbaz'.split('o')
['f', '', 'barbaz']

Where the result is reasonably a sequence, a method should return a sequence (but I would agree that it should generally be a sequence of objects of the source type - which I think is what I effectively said: "Isn't something like this potentially useful for all sequences (where the result is a [sequence] of objects that are the same [type] as the source sequence)"

That's not to argue against a generic iterator solution, but the barrier
to use of an iterator solution is higher than just calling a method.

Knowing which sequence classes have a "chunk" method and which don't is a higher barrier than knowing that all sequences can be "chunked" by a single imported function.


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