So it is only called by __init__ and not by __setattr__?

On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 11:32 AM, Stephan Houben <>

> Let me quote the attrs docs:
> ""
> convert (callable) – callable() that is called by attrs-generated __init__
> methods to convert attribute’s value to the desired format. It is given the
> passed-in value, and the returned value will be used as the new value of
> the attribute. The value is converted before being passed to the validator,
> if any.
> """
> So the signature is essentially:
> self.myattrib = callable (myattrib)
> Stephan
> Op 19 mei 2017 20:25 schreef "Guido van Rossum" <>:
> For people who don't want to click on links:
>> 1. Allow hash and equality to be based on object identity, rather than
>> structural identity,
>>    this is very important if one wants to store un-hashable objects in
>> the instance.
>>   (In my case: mostly dict's and numpy arrays).
>> 2. Not subclassed from tuple. I have been bitten by this subclassing
>> when trying to set up
>>    singledispatch on sequences and also on my classes.
>> 3. Easily allow to specify default values. With namedtuple this
>> requires overriding __new__.
>> 4. Easily allow to specify a conversion function. For example I have
>> some code like below:
>>     note that I can store a numpy array while keeping hashability and
>> I can make it convert
>>    to a numpy array in the constructor.
>>  @attr.s(cmp=False, hash=False)
>>  class SvgTransform(SvgPicture):
>>      child = attr.ib()
>>      matrix = attr.ib(convert=numpy.asarray)
>> I have one question about (4) -- how and when is the conversion function 
>> used, and what is its signature?
>> On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 5:42 AM, Eric V. Smith <>
>> wrote:
>>> Could you point me to this 4-point list of Stephan's? I couldn't find
>>>> anything in the archive that you might be referring to.
>>> Never mind, I found them here:
>>> Eric.
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