On 27 May 2017 at 03:30, Guido van Rossum <gu...@python.org> wrote:
> On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 8:28 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> [...] assuming the rest of idea works out
>> well, we'd eventually like to move to a tiered model where the GIL
>> becomes a read/write lock. Most code execution in subinterpreters
>> would then only need a read lock on the GIL, and hence could happily
>> execute code in parallel with other subinterpreters running on other
>> cores.
> Since the GIL protects refcounts and refcounts are probably the most
> frequently written item, I'm skeptical of this.

Likewise - hence my somewhat garbled attempt to explain that actually
doing that would be contingent on the GILectomy folks figuring out
some clever way to cope with the refcounts :)

>> By contrast, being able to reliably model Communicating Sequential
>> Processes in Python without incurring any communications overhead
>> though (ala goroutines)? Or doing the same with the Actor model (ala
>> Erlang/BEAM processes)?
>> Those are *very* interesting language design concepts, and something
>> where offering a compelling alternative to the current practices of
>> emulating them with threads or coroutines pretty much requires the
>> property of zero-copy ownership transfer.
> But subinterpreters (which have independent sys.modules dicts) seem a poor
> match for that. It feels as if you're speculating about an entirely
> different language here, not named Python.

Ah, you're right - the types are all going to be separate as well,
which means "cost of a deep copy" is the cheapest we're going to be
able to get with this model. Anything better than that would require a
more esoteric memory management architecture like the one in

I guess I'll have to scale back my hopes on that front to be closer to
what Stephan described - even a deep copy equivalent is often going to
be cheaper than a full serialise/transmit/deserialise cycle or some
other form of inter-process communication.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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