As already mentioned, Vim can display <= as ≤ using the ' conceal' feature.

(And in fact arbitrary substitutions, of course.)


Op 7 jun. 2017 8:48 a.m. schreef "Brice PARENT" <>:

Le 07/06/17 à 07:34, Greg Ewing a écrit :

> Yes, there are a few symbols it would be nice to have.
> A proper ≠ symbol would have avoided the wars between
> <> and !=. :-)

I'm not sure it's worth any change in the language, it's already really
easy to read and write as is.

But I agree this can be great to have for example for reviewers (Python
being what it is, you can have reviewers who are not really pythonistas but
just here to check the logic and maths for example). And it's already
available by using some fonts that provide a good ligature support, like
Fira Code (
I'm not sure about the support in other editors/terminals tho.

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