On 28 June 2017 at 05:30, Terry Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> wrote:
> On 6/27/2017 10:47 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>> While I haven't been following this thread closely, I'd like to note
>> that arguing for a "chain()" builtin has the virtue that would just be
>> arguing for the promotion of the existing itertools.chain function
>> into the builtin namespace.
>> Such an approach has a lot to recommend it:
>> 1. It has precedent, in that Python 3's map(), filter(), and zip(),
>> are essentially Python 2's itertools.imap(), ifilter(), and izip()
>> 2. There's no need for a naming or semantics debate, as we'd just be
>> promoting an established standard library API into the builtin
>> namespace
> A counter-argument is that there are other itertools that deserve promotion,
> by usage, even more.  But we need to see comparisons from more that one
> limited corpus.

Indeed. I don't recall *ever* using itertools.chain myself. I'd be
interested in seeing some usage stats to support this proposal. As an
example, I see 8 uses of itertools.chain in pip and its various
vendored packages, as opposed to around 30 uses of map (plus however
many list comprehensions are used in place of maps). On a very brief
scan, it looks like the various other itertools are used less than
chain, but with only 8 uses of chain, it's not really possible to read
anything more into the relative frequencies.

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