On 7 July 2017 at 04:54, Jeff Walker <jeff.walke...@yandex.com> wrote:
> Here is an example:
>     class NameError(BaseException):
>          pass
>     try:
>         raise NameError('welker', db='users', template='{0}: unknown {db}.')
>     except NameError as e:
>         unknown_name = e.args[0]
>         missing_from = e.kwargs('db')
>         print(str(e))
> Given this example, please explain why it is you say that the arguments are 
> not
> be stored and are not accessible.

Because the proposal doesn't state that NameError is to be changed,
and the example code isn't real, as it's manually raising a system

Anyway, I'm tired of this endless debate about what Ken may or may not
have meant. I'm going to bow out now and restrict myself to only
reading and responding to actual proposals.

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