On 7/26/17, Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:


> But this has a hidden landmine. If *any* module happens to use ntuple
> with the same field names as you, but in a different order, you will
> have mysterious bugs:
> x, y, z = spam
> You expect x=2, y=1, z=0 because that's the way you defined the field
> order, but unknown to you some other module got in first and defined it
> as [z, y, x] and so your code will silently do the wrong thing.

We have:
from module import x, y, z  # where order is not important

Could we have something similar with ntuple (SimpleNamespace, ...)?

for x, y, z from spam:
    print(x, y, z)
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