On 2017-08-01 17:28, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> Right, the main correspondence here is with "sum()": folks can't write
> "sum(a, b, c)", but they can write "a + b + c".
> The various container constructors are also consistent in only taking
> an iterable, with multiple explicit items being expected to use the
> syntactic forms (e.g. [a, b, c], {a, b, c}, (a, b, c))
> The same rationale holds for any() and all(): supporting multiple
> positional arguments would be redundant with the existing binary
> operator syntax, with no clear reason to ever prefer one option over
> the other.

Isn't there a difference, though, insofar as we don't have a '+/sum' or 
'and/all' equivalent of [a, b, *c]?
You need to write 1 + 3 + sum(xs), or a and b and all(ys).  Or, of course, 
any(chain([a], [b], c)), but that is not pretty.

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