Getting kind of OT, but:

...  pytest is too "magical" for you,

I do get confused a bit sometimes, but for the most part, I simple don't
use the magic -- pytest does a great job of making the simple things simple.

what do you use? Many Python testing tools like nose are just test
> *runners*, so you still need something else.

nose did provide a number of utilities to make testing friendly, but it is
apparently dead, and AFAICT, nose2, is mostly a test runner for unittest2

I converted to pytest a while back mostly inspired by it's wonderful
reporting of the details of test failures.

If your only complaint about unittest is that
> you_miss_writing_underscores_between_all_the_words, then unittest must
> be pretty good.

For my part, I kinda liked StudlyCaps before I drank the pep8 kool-aid.

What I dislike about unitest is that it is a pile of almost completely
worthless boilerplate that you have to write.

what the heck are all those assertThis methods for? I always thought they
were ridiculous, but then I went in to write a new one (for math.isclose(),
which was rejected, and one of these days I may add it to assertAlmostEqual
... and assertNotAlmostEqual ! ) -- low and behold, the entire purpose of
the assert methods is to create a nice message when the test fails. really!

This in a dynamic language with wonderful introspection capabilities.

So that's most of the code in unitest -- completely worthless boilerplate
that just makes you have to type more.

Then there is the fixture stuff -- not too bad, but still a lot klunkier
than pytest fixtures.

And no parameterized testing -- that's a killer feature (that nose provided
as well)

anyway, that's enough ranting.....



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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