
On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 07:55:00PM +0300, John Torakis <john.tora...@gmail.com> 
> Hello all!
> Today I opened an issue in bugs.python.org
> (http://bugs.python.org/issue31264) proposing a module I created for
> remote package/module imports through standard HTTP/S.

   The issue is so big IMO it requires a PEP, not just an issue.

   Anyway I'm -1000 for reasons of security, connectivity (not all hosts
are connected), traffic cost and speed.

> The concept is that, if a directory is served through HTTP/S (the way
> SimpleHTTPServer module serves directories), a Finder/Loader object can
> fetch Python files from that directory using HTTP requests, and finally
> load them as modules (or packages) in the running namespace.
> The repo containing a primitive (but working) version of the
> Finder/Loader, also contains self explanatory examples (in the README.md):
> https://github.com/operatorequals/httpimport
> My proposal is that this module can become a core Python feature,
> providing a way to load modules even from Github.com repositories,
> without the need to "git clone - setup.py install" them.
> Other languages, like golang, provide this functionality from their

   AFAIK Go downloads modules at compile time, not run time. This is a
major distiction with Python.

> early days (day one?). Python development can be greatly improved if a
> "try before pip installing" mechanism gets in place, as it will add a
> lot to the REPL nature of the testing/experimenting process.
> Thank you for your time,
> John Torakis, IT Security Researcher
> P.S: It is my first time in this mailing list and generally Python
> contribution. Please be tolerant!

     Oleg Broytman            http://phdru.name/            p...@phdru.name
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.
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