On 23 August 2017 at 18:49, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Still -1 on this becoming a stdlib package, as there's nothing I've
> yet seen that can't be done as a third-party package. But it's less
> scary than I thought it was :)

IMO, this would make a great 3rd party package (I note that it's not
yet published on PyPI). It's possible that it would end up being
extremely popular, and recognised as sufficiently secure - at which
point it may be worth considering for core inclusion. But it's also
possible that it remains niche, and/or people aren't willing to take
the security risks that it implies, in which case it's still useful to
those who do like it.

One aspect that hasn't been mentioned yet - as a 3rd party module, the
user (or the organisation's security team) can control whether or not
the ability to import over the web is available by controlling whether
the module is allowed to be installed - whereas with a core module,
it's there, like it or not, and *all* Python code has to be audited on
the assumption that it might be used. I could easily imagine cases
where the httpimport module was allowed on development machines and CI
servers, but forbidden on production (and pre-production) systems.
That option simply isn't available if the feature is in the core.

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