Guido van Rossum <> wrote:
> We just need someone with SEO experience to fix this for us.

I'm not an SEO expert, but I think a possible approach would be
using (or partly abusing) the <link rel="canonical"> element on the
documentation pages:

Python's documentation is already using these canonical links, just
in an incomplete way: The Python documentation for 2.7 and 3.5 and
later has a <link rel="canonical"> pointing to the generic
documentation URL of the same major Python version, e.g. in you can find this
in the page source:

<link rel="canonical" href=""; />

This is why if you search for "python 3 $module" in Google, you'll
never see a direct link to the 3.5 or 3.6 versions of the
documentation (because Google merges them with the generic, but you still results for versions 3.2, 3.3
etc. of the documentation (because the lack the canonical links).

A very good step would be to also add this canoncial link to the
documentation versions 3.0-3.4, this will make
etc. vanish from Google and probably rank the generic higher than now.

And now to the abuse part (I'm honestly not sure how well this would
actually work): If you would add such a canonical link in pointing to (at least where
the same module exists in both versions), you would eventually hide
/2/ from the search results. If you don't want to be so extreme
(people still want Python 2 documentation if they search for "python
2 $module") you could remove the canonical link just from the
specific which will then be ranked much lower
than in the search results, but at least still
show up.

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