Nick: “I like Yury's example for this, which is that the following two examples 
are currently semantically equivalent, and we want to preserve that equivalence:

    with decimal.localcontext() as ctx:
        ctc.prex = 30
        for i in gen():

    g = gen()
    with decimal.localcontext() as ctx:
        ctc.prex = 30
        for i in g:

I’m following this discussion from a distance, but cared enough about this 
point to chime in without even reading what comes later in the thread. 
(Hopefully it’s not twenty people making the same point…)

I HATE this example! Looking solely at the code we can see, you are refactoring 
a function call from inside an *explicit* context manager to outside of it, and 
assuming the behavior will not change. There’s *absolutely no* logical or 
semantic reason that these should be equivalent, especially given the obvious 
alternative of leaving the call within the explicit context. Even moving the 
function call before the setattr can’t be assumed to not change its behavior – 
how is moving it outside a with block ever supposed to be safe?

I appreciate the desire to be able to take currently working code using one 
construct and have it continue working with a different construct, but the 
burden should be on that library and not the runtime. By that I mean that the 
parts of decimal that set and read the context should do the extra work to 
maintain compatibility (e.g. through a globally mutable structure using context 
variables as a slightly more fine-grained key than thread ID) rather than 
forcing an otherwise straightforward core runtime feature to jump through hoops 
to accommodate it.

New users of this functionality very likely won’t assume that TLS is the 
semantic equivalent, especially when all the examples and naming make it sound 
like context managers are more related. (I predict people will expect this to 
behave more like unstated/implicit function arguments and be captured at the 
same time as other arguments are, but can’t really back that up except with 
gut-feel. It's certainly a feature that I want for myself more than I want 
another spelling for TLS…)

Top-posted from my Windows phone

From: Nick Coghlan
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 5:35
To: Guido van Rossum
Cc: Python-Ideas
Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] PEP draft: context variables

On 10 October 2017 at 01:24, Guido van Rossum <> wrote:
On Sun, Oct 8, 2017 at 11:46 PM, Nick Coghlan <> wrote:
On 8 October 2017 at 08:40, Koos Zevenhoven <> wrote:
​​I do remember Yury mentioning that the first draft of PEP 550 captured 
something when the generator function was called. I think I started reading the 
discussions after that had already been removed, so I don't know exactly what 
it was. But I doubt that it was *exactly* the above, because PEP 550 uses set 
and get operations instead of "assignment contexts" like PEP 555 (this one) 
does. ​​

We didn't forget it, we just don't think it's very useful.

I'm not sure I agree on the usefulness. Certainly a lot of the complexity of 
PEP 550 exists just to cater to Nathaniel's desire to influence what a 
generator sees via the context of the send()/next() call. I'm still not sure 
that's worth it. In 550 v1 there's no need for chained lookups.

The compatibility concern is that we want developers of existing libraries to 
be able to transparently switch from using thread local storage to context 
local storage, and the way thread locals interact with generators means that 
decimal (et al) currently use the thread local state at the time when next() is 
called, *not* when the generator is created.

I like Yury's example for this, which is that the following two examples are 
currently semantically equivalent, and we want to preserve that equivalence:

    with decimal.localcontext() as ctx:
        ctc.prex = 30
        for i in gen():

    g = gen()
    with decimal.localcontext() as ctx:
        ctc.prex = 30
        for i in g:

The easiest way to maintain that equivalence is to say that even though 
preventing state changes leaking *out* of generators is considered a desirable 
change, we see preventing them leaking *in* as a gratuitous backwards 
compatibility break.

This does mean that *neither* form is semantically equivalent to eager 
extraction of the generator values before the decimal context is changed, but 
that's the status quo, and we don't have a compelling justification for 
changing it.

If folks subsequently decide that they *do* want "capture on creation" or 
"capture on first iteration" semantics for their generators, those are easy 
enough to add as wrappers on top of the initial thread-local-compatible base by 
using the same building blocks as are being added to help event loops manage 
context snapshots for coroutine execution.


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia

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