On 2017-10-29 04:44, Soni L. wrote:
And this is how you miss the whole point of being able to dynamically
add/remove arbitrary components on objects you didn't create, at runtime.

Someone gave me this code and told me it explains what I'm trying to do:

class T:

class C:

c = C()

#c.[T] = 1
c.__dict__[T] = 1

Again, can you please explain why you want to write c.[T]? What do you intend that to *do*? Your commented line seems to indicate you want it to do what `c.__dict__[T]` does, but you can already do that with `setattr(c, T, 1)`. Or you can just give c an attribute that's a dict, but has an easier-to-type name than __dict__, so you can do `c.mydict[T]`. What is the specific advantage of `c.[T]` over these existing solutions?

Brendan Barnwell
"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path, and leave a trail."
   --author unknown
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