On Sat, Dec 23, 2017, 09:23 William Rose, <william27.07...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I had an idea that it could be helpful to have local functions as well as
> normal ones. They would be called the same way as normal ones but def would
> be replaced by internal and inside they could only access variables they
> have defined and inputs to them so no global variables or class variables. I
> think this could be used to save people accidentally changing variables you
> dont' want to change when updating your code. Let me know what you think!

You mean like this?

internal myfunc(x, y, z):
   return sum(map(int, [x,y,z]))  # SyntaxError: Undefined name 'sum'.

You may want to loosen the restrictions and allow builtins. However,
it is possible to redefine/create builtin names during runtime.
You may also want to allow explicit declarations for global/nonlocal
names, using the global and nonlocal keywords.
You won't be able to access class variables, because you won't be able
to access classes.

This kind of function prevents a common use for functions: taking a
section of an existing function and giving it a name. The proposed
`internal` function type will encourage large functions that break the
Rule of Three*, and require people to opt in to gain any advantages.
Once they opt in, they would have to then opt out if they try to apply
the Rule of Three.


Can you give an example of how you would use this? Could your problem
perhaps be better solved with namespaces or refactoring tools?
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