>While I appreciate what you're trying to accomplish, Yahya, one thing I would 
>like to say is if we were to accept the diagram into the docs I would prefer 
>that there be a source file that isn't an image which we can update with 
>easily available software (e.g. like a dot file). Otherwise updating the file 
>will either be burdensome going forward or we will simply have to drop the 
>image at the first instance of needing to update it because no one can or be 
>willing to put in the effort (and I'm thinking in 5 years, not soon while we 
>can count on you to help).

Of course! 

"Tip 23
Always Use Source Code Control

Always. Even if you are a single-person team on a one-week project. Even if 
it's a "throw-away" prototype. Even if the stuff you're working on isn't source 
code. Make sure that *everything* is under source control -- documentation, 
phone number lists, memos to vendors, makefiles, build and release procedure, 
that little shell script that burns the CD master -- everything. We routinely 
use source code control on just about everything (including the text of this 

The Pragmatic Programmer,
Andrew Hunt & David Thomas.

Here are the files! I used plantuml.

Attachment: base.puml
Description: Binary data

Attachment: full.puml
Description: Binary data

Attachment: other_collections.puml
Description: Binary data

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