On 09.01.2018 21:35, Ivan Pozdeev via Python-ideas wrote:

On 08.01.2018 0:11, Steve Dower wrote:

It’s not a good idea. You end up with two different C runtimes in memory that cannot communicate, and many things will not work properly.

If you compile your debug build extension with the non-debug CRT (/MD rather than /MDd) you will lose asserts, but otherwise it will work fine and the quoted code picks the release lib.

Distutils' designers seem to have thought differently.
Whether the extension is linked against pythonxx_d.lib is governed by the --debug switch to the `build' command rather than the type of the running Python. Compiler optimization flags and /MD(d) are inserted according to it, too.

As a consequence,
* I cannot install an extension into debug Python at all 'cuz `bdist_*' and `install' commands don't support --debug and invoke `debug' internally without it.
I meant "invoke `build' internally without it." , sorry.

This kafkaesque "you cannot do this because you cannot do this" is taking its toll on me...
* Neither can I compile an extension for release Python without optimizations.

I'm at a loss here. Either I'm missing something, or with the current build system, it's impossible to debug extensions!

Or if you like, when you install Python 3.5 or later there are advanced options to install debug symbols and binaries. You can use a proper debug build against the debug binaries (python_d.exe).



Top-posted from my Windows phone

*From: *Ivan Pozdeev via Python-ideas <mailto:python-ideas@python.org>
*Sent: *Saturday, December 30, 2017 13:01
*To: *python-ideas@python.org <mailto:python-ideas@python.org>
*Subject: *[Python-ideas] Allow to compile debug extension against releasePython in Windows

The Windows version of pyconfig.h has the following construct:

    if defined(_DEBUG)

           pragma comment(lib,"python37_d.lib")

    elif defined(Py_LIMITED_API)

           pragma comment(lib,"python3.lib")


           pragma comment(lib,"python37.lib")

    endif /* _DEBUG */

which fails the compilation of a debug version of an extension. Making

debugging it... difficult.

Perhaps we could define some other constant?

I'm not sure whether such compilation is a good idea in general, so

asking here at first.





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