On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 04:23:23PM +0000, Paul Moore wrote:
> Another common approach is to not ship tests as part of your (runtime)
> package at all - they are in the sdist but not the wheels nor are they
> deployed with "setup.py install". In my experience, this is the usual
> approach projects take if they don't have the tests in the package
> directory. (I don't think I've *ever* seen a project try to install
> tests except by including them in the package directory...)

Yes, given the current situation not shipping is definitely the best
approach in that case.

I just thought that if we did have something like site-packages/stest
(Guido correctly noted that "test" wouldn't work), people might use it.

But it is all very speculative and I'm not really sure myself.

Stefan Krah

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